
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Family Drama!

I’m in South Africa for the first time in years, having the time of my life! I have my own room, no husband is gonna keep popping in, wanna be start’n sumthn or anything! The rest of my family still had no idea I was in the country, so we started with mom. I called her from my sister’s phone to confuse her.
Mom picks up,

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Africa! I'm Coming Home!

Traveling light! NOT!

It's been too long! I'm finally going back to the motherland! Tickets are booked! I already have most of my stuff in suitcases. I weighed and weighed and weighed my luggage pieces. Everything was more or less in order. I took a bunch of things from my eBay store to sell to my people back home. People had been asking me to either sell things online to them and ship to South Africa or to bring them stuff when I went back home. Well!