Saturday, May 28, 2011

Packing and moving out

My gosh, is this going to be a hectic coupe of weeks or what?
I've to move out by Tuesday, it's Sunday, I've 3days to pack for Georgia and to move out.
I'm trying not to stress. My facebook status this morning is 'Worry is a 100% waste of emotion. It will not change the future. It just ruins today.' Which I clearly need to keep revisiting myself as a self proclaimed worrier.

I bought my suitcases yesterday, I thought I'd be cute and carry a set of matching suitcases. Well! After packing the biggest one to the brim, I rolled it to the bathroom, scale on tow and BAM! 25kg! ONE SUITCASE! And that's not even everything! About 40 outfits (yeah, I counted them. I'm a counter!). No shoes, not handbags, no books, nothing! Not even all the clothes I plan to take along! I've had to put some aside because I'll still be around for 2weeks, you know? And I'm going for a shoot on the 1st, I need clothes for that as well. Oh dear!

As if packing for a year in a country I've never been is not enough, I'm moving out as well. I'm expecting Asa late this morning to come collect the tv, washing machine and fridge. Which means, good bye to my favorite piece of furniture: my custom made King size bed! And that I'll pack on the couch frm now on.

I'm writing this instead of packing in an attempt to not worry. Not sure yet if it's working because I'm still writing, so yeah. Pens down!

Friday, May 27, 2011

So much to do, so little time!

Here's the plan: I've to be in cape town, ready to fly between the tenth and the 17th of June. I'm currently in Johannesburg in my shared apartment. I've unpacked on side of the closet but haven't packed it yet. I have still got to buy a huge suitcase because mine have seen their days.
I spent the whole of yesterday at the mechanic's servicing the car and doing some retouching. Apparently I need to go back there because, as they always do, they didn't replace everything as it should be. That's going to be another wasted day. Amazing! Just what I need!
I have a shoot on Tuesday, the 1st at night. Which means I can only leave the 2nd for home in the eastern cape. I'll be home either the 2nd of 3rd, depending on what time I'll leave. I'm taking the bus. That's also dependent on whether I'll figure out what to do with the car before then!
If all works out, I'll have a week to split between home and my sister's in Cape Town. Therefore I can only stay home for about 4days, then shoot for Cape Town on the 8th and arrive either the 8th or the 9th. Then I've to be there throughout until I get my ticket.
Now that I've delivered the tv to my friend's house in Pretoria, I'm left with finding a buyer for the car and soon all will be on one side. I've got to move out in 3days. All my furniture is still here! My friend Asa said she'll collect the tv, fridge and washing machine tomorrow, Sunday. I'm hoping she does.
I'm so all over the place! And right now, I just want to roll over, close my eyes and rest a little bit longer!
It's 7:35 am on a Saturday and it's been a long couple of days.
I wonder when this room mate of mine is going to pay for the stuff that she took in my absense after we agreed that she can buy it! I hate having to remind people to do the right thing when they were smart ones deciding on their own accord to take my stuff, now I've to chase after them as if I don't have enough to deal with. It makes me boil and by the time I've to do it, I get judged and told I'm rude, which really doesn't bother me because by then, I want to piss someone off! Cos I'm just as pissed myself. Can you tell that I'm already boiling, just by thinking about this? Well...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Renault Ad - on a Billboard Near You!

The day finally arrived for me to shoot the Renault advert. Fortunately, I hadn't lost all my hair that's been falling all over the show since it was planted last week (fake dreadlocks). I was so self conscious when I arrived at the location thinking I'd be busted and fired. Soon as I arrived, the make up artist said, "hello Brook". I was chuff! I still was recognisable!
She later told me how she picked me herself from the my portfolio on my agent's website. She said she loved my smile! And my personality!
Nice compliment! Wish I'd known that before I spent all that money, doing my hair, cos my agent told me they chose me for it!
Anyway, things could've been worse.

We were 5, 3guys and 2chicks. It was a short shoot, but we started hours since our arrival. What a nice bunch of people to work with! I enjoyed every minute of it!

Apparently this ad will be on the newspapers, the Sunday times lifestyle magazine, internet, Renault website, and the BILLBOARDS! Yessss! I've always wanted to be on billboards. At least I'll leave something behind in south africa,for all my friends and family! I believe the ad will be out around the 10th of June. That's around the same time I'll leave. Hopefully I'll spot it at the airport before I leave or something:)
Now this was a wish come true! Thank you Father!

Guess who died?

Very sad news indeed! Billionaire Jack Daniels died early hours of the morning. Jack Daniels was found dead by Johnny Walker this morning at Savannah Street near the Castle in Red Square center. Sergeant Heineken and Captain Morgan believes he was killed by Hunters who stabbed him with a Strongbow and his Four Cousins confirmed he was on his way from J&B club in Mellowood! It happens that Mr. Daniels had a secret affair with Mr. Hunter's wife Sarita. As a result she had to travel from Cape to Rio with JC Le Roux for Southern Comfort. Report by Black Label.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

TLG accepted your application...

Yup! I'm going to Georgia!
In fact, I'll be there in 3weeks! Count them!
I'm too excited to write anymore...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weight Issues!

It's been a very challenging month diet-wise! Last year, I managed to loose 20kg! This year! Nothing! I've managed to maintain the loss though, which can be a challenge on its own.
Things have been getting worse, I weight myself this morning and saw that I'm up by 3kg since, I'm not sure when. Maybe in the last month? Yeah, somewhere there! Very bad girl!
I'm going to work toward loosing that 3kg, if anything and then maintain, until I'm mentally ready to watch what I eat again. Right now, my mind is all over the place, I'm not sure where I'll be and what I'll be doing with myself and my life from next month on. That can cause a sista to eat!