A lot to think about regarding this new career in trucking! Should I move into the hotel? My apartment being an hour's drive from the school and the hotel, only ten minutes, was somewhat of a deciding factor. Sharing a room, period, let alone with a stranger, didn’t seem that exciting. Don’t get me wrong,
Moving to America, the road to American Citizenship, Green Card, Dating, travel and marriage to an American amongst others; are what this blog is about. Living abroad - Georgia, Eastern Europe, near Russia, teaching English Second Language and other adventure filled experiences. Please, take a moment and indulge, if not live vicariously!
Friday, November 20, 2020
Becoming a Long Haul Trucker
A lot to think about regarding this new career in trucking! Should I move into the hotel? My apartment being an hour's drive from the school and the hotel, only ten minutes, was somewhat of a deciding factor. Sharing a room, period, let alone with a stranger, didn’t seem that exciting. Don’t get me wrong,
Monday, November 09, 2020
Trucking and Dating - my story
Derrick, my new beau and I are good. I’ve been introduced to his brother. I spend a week at my place in LA, hustling and weekends with Derrick, chilling. This is what usually happens at his place...
Friday, November 06, 2020
How I Got into Trucking
When I didn’t hear back from The 99 Cents Store’s manager, I called and called and called. Eventually, they let me speak to him. I didn’t think anything wrong of following up after a great meeting between he and I. He was so rude to me! I was so caught of guard? You know when you someone makes a certain kind of impression with you, you approach them next time under that impression and they completely surprise you? In the worst possible way? I had to meditate that conversation out of my memory, it was so hurtful. It left me with a lump in my throat and a little glossy eyed.