Saturday, October 11, 2014


Life went back to 'normal' soon after my roommie sobered up. I got a call from Daniel that Sunday. We chatted for a while. Daniel is the Italian that we like from San Diego who took me to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant for our first date,

I had won hotel stays in Las Vegas from both the Dr Phil show and Let's Make a deal. Both stays came with free shows at the respective hotels. I had planned to make a vacation of it around my birthday time. I am that girl who is so used to be alone that I do special things for myself on special occasions. Ain't no shame in that! Right? I had only been to Vegas all of less than an hour on my way to LA moving back there from Utah. I decided to take the bus so I could see what's up on the way between the two states It was a good more than ten hour ride. We changed buses in Las Vegas. I will never forget the feeling that overcame me when I saw the lights. Oh, the lights! It was midnight when we arrived in Vegas that night, Perfect time to see the lights, they were everywhere. It felt kinda like New York but had a different feel to it. Of course this assessment was being made by someone who had just woken up with lights all over her. I knew I had to go back. Like for real go back and actually experience Las Vegas. I had wanted to visit Vegas when I still lived in Salt Lake city but that never materialised because the need to move back to LA overtook that of visiting Vegas. Vegas is halfway between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City, so I could always pick up on those plans at a later stage. It would take the same amount of time to get there from either City.

Around March, I made arrangements, booked the hotels and reserved the shows. Fortunately, I got my roommate situation sorted out. I could easily go away. It was a girl I trusted. I didn't have to worry about leaving her with my stuff less than two weeks after her move in. I wasn't not going to go to Vegas. I just had to hope for the best. I planned to stay at one hotel when I arrived, see a show that very night and then move to the next hotel for the rest of my stay. I planned to see my second show on my birthday. I booked a midnight bus from LA, I would arrive in Vegas at 5am. Five am in a city you had never been too! I'm a big girl. I can handle it! That would give me more time to spend in vegas. I was only going to be there for  a week, so I traveled light. I bought a cute carry on luggage specifically for Vegas. I had been through a lot, I wanted my first vacation in the States to be amazing. I went shopping for vacation clothes. I got myself three amazing dresses, underwear, the works. I colored my short hair and took a wig with me just in case. It was exciting. I did take about six pairs of shoes with me but who's counting? I took a number of leggings with me for the walking I was going to do there. I had done my research, you have to. You're screwed if you don't! I had outfits for daytime and night time.

In our conversation, Daniel told me that he would like to see me again but he was going to travel for a convention for a week. I asked where to. He told me Vegas. I asked WHEN? Lo and behold Daniel and I were going to be in Vegas the same time! Best week ever! He didn't take me seriously when I told him that my tickets were booked, I was going to be in Vegas that same week.

On April First aka April fool's day, I wanted to prank someone, good. I told Carly, that I wanted to prank Daniel. We kinda knew each other but not that much. The prank was going to have enough tension to make it awkward enough. What better way to get to know someone better than to April Fool's Joke them, right? I had to be at Arsenio Hall Show that afternoon. I got ready and left early. The sun was shining, it was a great day. I walked to Sunset and Bronson Studios. It's like 15 minutes walk. I called Daniel as I walked up Bronson Street. The stupid phone went to voicemail. Think, fast! I had never left Daniel a voicemail before, I would always email him after not getting hold of him on the phone. This time I decided to leave him a message. This was urgent! Hi, Daniel, it's Brook. Surprise!!!!!!!!! I'm in San Diego!!!!!!!! Call me back. In fact, I'm at the train station! It's uhm, blah blah blah station by the Blah blah blah College on 12th Street. That's close to your office right? I am not sure how to get to your office from here, can you call me back or come get me. Oh my Gosh, I'm so excited! Call me baaaaaccckkkkk!' Click.

I literally was soooo excited after leaving him that message,  I couldn't imagine what would go on on his mind. I know he has jam packed days. That would definitely be an inconvenience for him. I was approaching the studio. My concern was that he would call after I switched off my phone. That would mess up everything. Then it would really be an April fool's joke... on me! Just before I reached the studios, Dan called back. I was like, Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Surpriiiiisssseeeeee! He was like, where are you? I asked if he got my message. He told me he did but he wasn't in the office all day that day. He was prepping for his Vegas trip. It was a busy week. Where was I? I was like wow, to think I came all the way here to surprise you. It's fine. If you don't want to see me. I'll take the next train back to LA. He said, 'You didn't come all the way here without telling me!' WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DIDN'T? I'M TELLING YOU, I DID! IT WAS A SURPRISE. I AM HERE NOW BUT I WILL HEAD BACK, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. BYE DANIEL!

He went quiet for a while and repeated, Brook, you didn't come all the way here without telling me. I laughed and said April fool's joke. I was beginning to feel bad.He was like, YOU ARE A BAD GIRL!  HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME!  He said he was thinking, who can he get to go pick me up. What was he going to do with me now that I was there and he was in meetings out of the office. I was just laughing the whole time. My plan worked. Happy April Fool's day to me!


  1. Flip the suspense of waiting till you get to Vegas. Gosh!!!

    1. Tell me about it! As if it wasn't enough that I jad to wait more than a month to meet him for the first time.

  2. You are my favourite blogger and I love reading so please don't take too long between the blogs. There is a lot of humour in your blogs I could read them every day.

    1. Thanks. That's a huge compliment.
      I will do my best. I've been bad lately.

  3. And I am hoping for the best since you chose my man's name for him. No pressure ;))

    1. Oh yeah! How are you guys doing?
      No pressure received. NOT

  4. Do you know that every night I go and check if you have added anything lol. I am really addicted to your blogs.

    1. Aw, I'm flattered and at the same time, feel bad that I am not fulfilling my end of the bargain. I will improve. Promise

  5. Brook!!!! How long does it take to write a blog???
    I am dying here. Waiting not so patiently

  6. Replies
    1. Done! Here we go
