Moving to America, the road to American Citizenship, Green Card, Dating, travel and marriage to an American amongst others; are what this blog is about. Living abroad - Georgia, Eastern Europe, near Russia, teaching English Second Language and other adventure filled experiences. Please, take a moment and indulge, if not live vicariously!
On my way home from the Nigerian Restaurant. Nice drive, a bit of traffic but nothing new. We are in LA after all!
My new friend and I stayed in touch. I really appreciated her treating me to Nigerian food. Did I tell you she paid at the restaurant as well? How nice was that? I owe her one!
I had gone against my better judgement and befriended a girl from asouth africa. Nice girl. We had so much in common, when it comes to values etc. It was mice to find someone who gets 'it' we had spend a great deal of time talking over the phone with each other. I mean hours! The girl had a craving for African food. She told me she heard of a Nigerian restaurant in Inglewood. Neither of us had been there before. I was up for it though. When am I ever not? She doesn't drive. She offered to pay for gas if I picked her up and dropped her off afterwards. With a truck like mine, someone offers to pay for gas, you accept! It was a date!
Saturday morning, Calvin was at home. I had already mentioned to him that the girl and I har plans. I left him at home and headed off to hollywood.
Independence day, we were at home. Calvin and his family and friends had a ton of fireworks that they had ordered from their 'fireworks guy'. They must have spent a couple of hundred dollars each on those! Talk about dedication! They all congregated at Calvin's parents' house and did their thing. The entire neighborhood was fireworksing. It was much louder than Beverly Hills. It had been a long weekend for me, so I stayed in and let the boys do their thing. I went out just for a second when they were exploding their biggest firework and then back home. Apparently, Calvin's brother fell in love that night... on the roof top of his home.. with a woman that had been friends with Calvin for pretty much ever. Yay, love!