Wednesday, December 18, 2024


 A passion project I’ve been contemplating for years has been born! Come on in!

Here’s the trailer transcription : hey everyone, my name is Babalwa Brook. Welcome! 

I'd like to talk to you and you talk to me about things that we may have in common. Some of my interests include money, making it, saving it, stretching the dollar; I'm very frugal. I'm very careful with money. 

I like to travel. I'm self-employed as an eBay seller. So I work from home. I live off the grid and have lived full-time and worked as a truck driver, traveling to more than 40 states, solo. And also speaking of which, I'm a very loner type person, reclusive in a way. I'm friendly and make friends, but I don't really, like, maintain friendships. We'll talk more about those things. I like to talk about the dynamics of relationships, leaning more towards the dysfunctionality. I don't know if it's just me or it's the time or place or what… Hey, narcissists!

What else do you want to talk about? One of the things that define me, and I hate that for myself, is that half of the month I'm PMSing, but I have the more severe symptoms, which are PMDD, if you don't know about that, or if you do know about it. I'd like to talk about that because I don't know if it's covered enough, or maybe even diagnosed correctly… or … what if I don't have it, but I know I have it because I've had it for decades and I track everything. I'm very interested in self-discovery slash self-development. I like to read and; back to the journaling, I'll journal certain things about myself, which then makes me be able to put two and two together. What else can we talk about? Now I'm doing this off cuff. I tried to memorize this before and tried to be those people, but it's not my personality. You will find that I'm doing the best that I can to cover things in a way that's palatable, but I'm someone who believes we have to own who we are, not in an aggressive F-you type of way. Also, maybe I cuss a lot, hey truckers! , et cetera, but I'd like you to just relax a little bit with it. Don't be too judgmental. See what you can gain from episode to episode without being like, oh my God, you used an F-bomb. Oh my God, you did this. Oh my God, you did that. Like, oh my God, you used an F-bomb. Oh my God, you did this. I'm not saying don't criticize where you feel justified to and set aside your boundaries, but I'm sure you get what I'm saying. Thank you so much. See you soon. Let's talk. I have a Facebook group and other platforms under Babbling Brook Podcast. So join us there, whichever platform works for you. And let's get this show on the road. Get it? Talk to you soon!

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