Saturday, July 02, 2016

Santa Anita Race Track

 A few days after the shoot with Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen which had horses in it, Calvin took me to the race track. How's that for a coincidence? I never even thought about that until now! Fortunately, I didn't have to wear his clothes this time around.

At Santa Anita Race Track

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

BonaVista Restaurant

So! my boyfriend Calvin told me he wanted us to go on a special date. He kept teasing this idea throughout the week while I was at my place. The weekend came and he told me to meet him downtown Los Angeles. He took the bus there so that we could return together. I needed my car to head back to Beverly Hills at the end of the weekend, so I offered to be the one driving. He lives closer to Downtown than I anyways. When the day arrived, he told me to dress up. He was going to wear a suit, so I had to figure out what would go well with a suit.

Working With Amy Schumer And Seth Rogen

One day in December, I had the honor of working with Seth Rogen and Amy Schumer in a Bud Light commercial.
The commercial came at a time where there were hardly any jobs. It was towards the end of December. I was ready to call it a year and hope to start working the following year. Needless to say, I was very happy to get booked. I didn't know who was going to be in the commercial. I don't know the first thing about Bud Light. I know it's alcohol, that's it. I didn't even know if it's related to Budweiser or not.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

It's Christmas Time In The City

I have a strange feeling that I was halfway through a blog a few days ago and that's missing. I must be tripping because if that were the case, said blog would be in drafts and there's nothing there!

That said, please check out my latest post on my YouTube channel. It's under my name Babalwa Brook. Feel free to subscribe, comment. I have a ton of cool videos I will be posting soon. I will do one per day until they are all up but while they are, I will be making more,so fun times ahead! If you have a channel, too, I will find you and subscribe right back. Team follow back all the way!

Christmas time! I went over to Calvin's on Christmas Eve. I was so psyched, first Christmas I was going to spend with a boyfriend. In the past, the guys I dated were never around for special occasions. I packed all the gifts I had bought for him and on my way out saw gifts on the passage. What? They were thrown out, looks like by my neighbor who has a temper. He once cussed and screamed and shouted at someone in the middle of the night for about a week straight. Every night without fail, around 2am, he would get at it.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Eggplant Emoji

First, I would like to thank you for your patience when blogger was having issues and you either weren't able to load pages or post comments. I thought they were working on the problem and it would be fixed in no time, but it wasn't. I had to contact Google, it took about a week but the problem seems to have been solved now. Plus, I got your comments, so that's a good thing. I love hearing from you. Please keep the comments coming!

Weekend after I heard about the missing snake, I had a lot of praying, visualization and all kinds of things giving myself hope that the snake wouldn't come out and attack me.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Cold Blooded Snake

I don't know if I told you that Calvin had a friend live with him for a few months.

Apparently Calvin had offered said friend a place to stay when the friend 'moved back' to town. The friend decided to stay with his cousin and her boyfriend (cousin's boyfriend not Cal's friend's). When that didn't work out, Friend took Calvin up on his offer and subsequently moved in. Calvin has a two bedroom house. Friend used the spare bedroom / Office. They have been friends since they were kids (Calvin and Friend not spare bedroom and office haha).  Friend always runs errands over the weekend; like that's what he always says when you ask if where he's going or what he's up to. Anyway, someone's gotta run them, hadn't they?