Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A Date with Truck driver

Because I went to the shops a lot, mechanics from these shops and I ended up friendly. Some, more so than others. I was in Salt Lake City. The company has a terminal there. I’m friendly with one of the guys. No preferential treatment though. This is not South Africa. Just kidding - ish. My truck was due for service. There was a long line. I joined it. When you live in your vehicle, it makes no difference where you park it. So what if you’re in line overnight? There were 2 trucjs ahead lf me. The guys ahead of me and I cracked up a conversation. One guy seemed much younger and the other older. I was the middle child. Story of my life. Not really.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Ice Cold NonSense

My truck kitchen
It's the end of February, starting to warm up in some states, especially California. I wasn't living in one place, being an over the road trucker; but I still called California home. My beloved, larger than regular truck, fridge gave out. Wait! What? I realized that my drinks were still room temperature, after more than a day in the fridge and my meats were defrosting. Please! Say it ain't so! I checked my plugs, outlets, fiddled with the fridge, googled, youtubed, the works. I was hoping the problem was electricity getting to the fridge. The thing about it, though, was that, the fridge light was on. Everything looked normal but, normal, it was far from. It got to the point where I had to make some phone calls.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

iowa 80- Largest Truck stop in World

Weight loss progress picture
Every beginning of the year, I check in with myself, don't we all. I do the whole run down of physical, spiritual and emo. Physical, of course include weight for me, as this is something I monitor very closely. Simply because I have to! I have since lost more weight since the above picture was taken. For those who are on a weight loss journey, do I notice that sometimes you may not lose weight on the scale (duh!) but over time, you will get smaller in inches? I have noticed this over the years as I get to know how my body works.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Holidays away from Home & Family

 I'm Back, back, in Cali, Cali! My usual stops during my time in town while on the road, were: Storage (sometimes), Definitely mailbox, Walmart for groceries and other necessities and bed. I always tried to be done early with whatever I'd be doing in order to rest. When Derrick was still in the picture, I spent most of my time in town with him, naturally. He used to marvel at how much I was capable to sleep. Most people who know me are. Not so much how much, but how easily I can fall asleep. My ex Calvin, used to backhandedly compliment me for how good I am at relaxing. I mean! What kind of a compliment is that?

Friday, September 10, 2021

Getting Run off road by truck

The second story I promised to tell you on this blog was what happened the day of the nails / shop. The truck had some freaking issue, nothing new. I was in the middle of Lord-knows-where. After my delivery that morning, I went to the nearest truck stop, which was a block away from customer and made an appointment. I'd to wait pretty much all day. What that usually entails is Catching up on TV shows and social media.Oh and painting nails and toes, you how that goes. Manscaping is important, kids! They finally get done and I would like to cover at least a couple hundred miles before the day is over. I got on my way right away. Idaho to California, I believe.

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Rest in Peace, Trucker!

Alright! On our previous blog, I promised to tell you more about my fellow trucker friend in the future. Well, guess what loves? The future is now! We met at the company terminal in Phoenix, Arizona. In the bathroom, to be precise. This woman can shower, yo! She was one of two people already in the shower when I arrived there. The other stepped out, so I used that shower. This gorgeous one and I almost finished at the same time. Neither here nor there! We cracked up a conversation. She is so generous, she ended up giving me some of her supplies. She had a bunch of plant based canned foods. I was on my high protein diet at the time. I gave her some of my stuff. She wouldn't take it, but I gave her no choice. She also gave me some Hyaluronic or whatever that skin stuff is that Eva Longoria spells out in the commercial. I felt so lucky!