We teach Georgian police officers English. Initially, I was told I'd have a class every other day for an hour and a half, 11:00 - 12:30. I wasn't to happy with that as it meant so much free time.
I caught a lift with my host brother to the police station an hour earlier in order to prep a bit.
I saw the boss whom I'd been introduced to before, he doesn't speak English, but is a very nice guy. I was introduced to my assistant and interpreter who hardly speaks english. The boss, she and I had a small meeting. The boss soon picked up that she won't be very useful, he wrote me on google translate and asked if I wanted her replaced. I said I'd like to give her a chance first then decide. Long story short, she's been replaced as from beginning of this work. She's still my friend though cos she's genuinely nice.
I had 2 classes on Monday. They went very well. My students are all cool and eager to learn, which is always a plus. We have a curriculum and books and notes and stuff to equip and guide us as teachers. I use all of those.
Most of the week, I finished at 7:30, my last class was at 6pm and I'd have a break of 3 or 4hourse during the day. So not cool. The 6pm group has since requested to be moved to my long break gaps and I was glad to agree. I now don't work later than 5pm.
Contrary to what I'd been told, I've 4 groups of about 23/25 students each, 2 - 3 classes per day, every single day. I'm happy about that because my time is occupied. I've got one class on Friday at 3:30. Which sucks because I can't go anywhere until then. I talked to my students last week and they came in at 11 for their test which is all we do on thursday and Friday. I then had the rest of the day and the weekend for myself.
This Friday, today, obviously, I had no classes at all. I actually had to beg for my one group to come and write their test today, in order for them not to be left behind next week when the other groups start the next module. My request was accepted and we wrote a test this morning at 11. I was free as a dove by 12:30 again.
The first module and test went very well, the marks were very good, B's and A's. See, here's the thing, my students are friends and therefore, they help each other during tests. That's normal here. And you dare not come between friends!
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