Moving to America, the road to American Citizenship, Green Card, Dating, travel and marriage to an American amongst others; are what this blog is about. Living abroad - Georgia, Eastern Europe, near Russia, teaching English Second Language and other adventure filled experiences. Please, take a moment and indulge, if not live vicariously!
I’ve already been cleared of one person who was a big part of my daily life. I’m looking at you, Derrick! Why not keep the momentum going and get rid of a bunch more energy vampires? I’d a conversation with a person that I talked with often. It was long overdue that I cut this person out my existence. I got frustrated and let this person get to my head. As I was in the midst of the frustration, I got pulled over. By the Highway Police. Great! The lady officer even called me on the loudspeaker haha. Awkward.
So, I met a guy in person! He had green eyes. I like blue eyes. I also like brown eyes, especially on girls. I like eyes in general. The truck had an issue. My truck has had several issues. This time, it was just lights. I was in Wyoming, before Kanye West moved there, haha! It was dark out, when I realized I didn't have enough light in front of me. I pulled over in a rest stop and noticed that one of my lights was not working. Wait! This is not the story I am trying to tell! This was taken care off in Wyoming that very night. I had a different issue. I think it was lights still but bulbs couldn't fix the problem. I was in Kansas when I encountered this particular one. I had taken a load there from Colorado. The load turned out to be lost. It was FROM Kansas to Colorado.
Growing up in a farm, far away from everything, including school; we had to get up very early just to be able to catch the only bus and then walk forever to get to school. From there, I was shipped to boarding school, where we had to be up at 4am for 5am mass, everyday but the weekends. Don’t worry, we still had church on weekends, just not at 5am. It was a Catholic school. I say all that to say, Being a morning person is ingrained in me. Right now, I’m blogging you at 4:40am inside a truck, while I wait for dispatch to confirm my load information. I checked in before 4. I’ll wake up at 2 for a 4am call time, bo problem but please don’t make me work nights!
I’d an evening time delivery in Colorado state. I did most driving during the day in hopes that they would let me deliver early, then I can go to bed as usual. When I arrived at the location and saw what looked like hundreds of trucks in the staging area, I knew that wasn’t to be! I found a spot, shut my curtains and called it a day. The guard had my number. They’d call me when it was my turn. The called around 1am. I mean! It’s already tomorrow by then! I was dazed and confused. There was a long line into the place. Line went as far as down the street. Instead of waiting to catch the line when it got to where I was, I realized that I might wait forever. Nobody was going to let me in in front of them. I drove out of the staging area to catch the line where it ended.
Earlier, when I checked in, the guard had told me to move my tandems to the back. Meaning, slide the trailer on the wheel base, as far back as you can. They tend to do this to make sure the trailer door is not out of synch with the doc door. I think. I’m out in the street, half awake at 1am looking for somewhere to turn around. Company truck has a camera which gets triggered when you make illegal moves such as making a U Turn. Which is what I was fixing to make. I saw a bridge ahead of me, And decided to go make my turn there. It was a bridge from one direction of traffic to another. Perfect! As I entered that block, I saw a NO TRUCK 🚛 sign. Great! I make my turn into the bridge as wide as possible so as not to hit anything. The truck felt funny. I didn’t fit in like I expected to, having been as wide as I was. I almost make it out of the bridge but I had a conundrum. One more move and you could either lose the bumper to the curb or end up in the river with trailer tire. Story of my fcking life!
I go forward some and hit the curb with my low suspension Freightliner bumber. Now, the truck won’t move. Stuck on the curb. Fck! I didn’t wanna be there too long, lest the cops. No trucks, remember? I get out of the truck to evaluate. I didn’t know how strong the bridge was. Did it have the capacity to carry my loaded trailer as long as I was on it? There must be a reason they said no trucks. If it’s the size of the bridge, I might be in trouble! Well, I was already in trouble. Long story long, I ended up having to get out of the truck, pull the bumper out from the tractor. It was already broken but semi hanging on. Now what do I do with this hiant piece of plastic! That thing is HEAVY! Do I liter and leave it here? It had my registration number. Someone was gonna be able to trace with that! Do I put it inside the truck? Yeah. Let’s try that. Maybe the shop will be able to screw it back on. Dod I mention how heavy that thing was? I managed to poke it into the passenger door. I needed an extra set of hands to pull it inside as I pushed up. I didn’t have an extra pair of hands! Gosh! I was just trying to join the line! Wtf!
I hot it inside the truck, i had to break boxes I had and put them on my bed and lean the thing against my bed. The bumper wasn’t designed to go into your bedroom. Finally! A sigh of relief! Into the truck and off to the line. After I go unloaded, the sun was was rising. My favorite time of day! I drove 5 miles to the company yard in Denver. I went to the shop straight away. They kept my bumper to dispose of it for me, drilled my registration plate to the truck and told me they didn’t have a new bumper for me. I drove that busted as truck looking like that for months! I tell you what? In a sea of whitr Freightliner trucks; It was easier to spot.
I found out months and months later that a truck / trailer behave differently when the tandems ate slid all the way back. This is how come I ended up stuck on a bridge. Had I know that……
I have to tell you, when my Truck stop date didn't go great with the online guy, I felt a sense of relief. I did continue to chat with guys online. I was on a number of dating sites. Some of the guys were as well, one guy, from Utah, was even messaging me on both sites. Actually, two guys! Both from Utah, come to think of it. Both of them were good looking. One was totally my type, he had outdoorsy pictures, bikes, boats, trucks; good looking but not too much, athletic; he could totally get it. He would send me one message at a time. It never was a conversation. He was more interested in meeting up as well. Kinda like Truck stop. He'd be like let me know when you're in town. Sure! The other guy from Utah was from the same town I used to deliver in out there. He and I would exchange several messages. He was good looking, but in a way that was like, alright! Why are you on these sites? Are you a catfish? I even asked his Pink t-shirt wearing self to video call.
I just attached a picture of when my truck was stuck in a ditch. That story is in the previous post. Now that my lover boy, Derrick and I have officially broken up, in my heart; what's next? I didn't waste too much time before going on the dating sites to see who all is in there. Much to my chagrin, it was majority of the guys I left there a year prior when I started dating Derrick. Man! Funny thing about dating sites is, the more things change in the world, the more they stay the same in dating sites. This was my experience when I would go off and on them. What's your experience like on there?
Happy new month of September, Everybody! How was August for you? For me, well, let’s just say, I’m glad it’s over! Keep on trucking, right?
We left off when my truck was stuck in a ditch in the middle of America, trying to find my way to Walmart. One of the few times I’d driven in Montana in the daytime, now this. You’d think it would be the other way around!
A lovely couple going for a walk, saw my giant truck blocking traffic. You must understand, I’m trying to make a U-turn (not advisable in a semi-hauling a 53 ft trailer), I went into a shoulder type deal and went as wide as I could, in order to be able to utilize all the space available. I just about made it out but my last left wheels of the trailer got stuck.
I’d asked my Driver Manager to keep me along the routes that don’t snow too much as I was still new in truck driving. I had also never driven in snow, period. I’m originally from South Africa, where it doesn’t snow. At least, it didn’t all the time I lived there. When I lived in New Jersey and Salt Lake City, I didn’t drive there. And I pretty much moved as the snow season started in both areas. California is my home base now and it doesn’t snow in Southern California (the part I live in). Driving a semi truck in snow would’ve been a combination of things I’d no experience in. My manager agreed and put a note on my profile.come winter time, October-ish, There I was, being routed from west coast to East coast and back and back along the i80. If I weren’t there, they shipped me along the nothern most states, Montana, which is bordering Canada.
Snow up to my Hips!
As if my first day on the job didn’t show me how much this manager cares about me; I was still stunned that he wasn’t a man of his word. He kept me strictly along the routes that were snowing all winder! What choice did I have than to put my big girl panties on and suck it! Pun intended! I would hear about freeway closures due to snow. I hoped that wouldn’t happen to me but stayed prepared, in case it did. Lo and beFcking hold, one afternoon, on my way west on the i80, in Wyoming - my favorite state to driving in in winter… not second being Nebraska and Colorado …! It was nearing shut down time for me when I started seeing trucks lined up along the freeway. I was like mh! Lots of traffic! It was also evening, so I also thought that they were done for the day. I found a spot, squeezed in, shut my curtains and called it a day.
Who’s gonna tell me what’s going on in the outside world? I don’t talk to anyone, No cb radio, I don’t listen to AM/FM radio in the truck either. Following morning, I cooked some meat, freshened up and got on my way. There were still long lines of trucks along the freeway. “Wow! People are starting late today! Interesting!” I thought. I had parked right outside a TA truck stop, I needed fuel, so I requested my manager to open up my fuel card to let me fuel there. No! Not this rocked scientist right here! He made me drive ten minutes to the next spot for fuel. Guess what? I ran out of fuel right by the islands! I was a few feet (maybe a metre) away from the hose. The thing wasn’t long enough to reach my hole, haha sorry! I had to call the office to ask them to send help! Can you imagine?
I didn’t have cell service, so I had to leave my truck blocking the way, go inside and ask to use their phone. “You are caller number…….. 4 in line, thank you for calling road side services !” The company had to approve a call “out” for someone to come “out” to me from the very truck stop I was! Imagine that! If someone were to do the unthinkable and listen to a truck driver, the company wouldn’t have had to pay extra for a call out I’d have fueled where I was initially but what do I know? I’m only the person driving the truck that had zero fuel in it.
The food looked incredible in there! I didn’t indulge i made somewhat of a mental not to check that place out if, God forbid, I ended up in that neck again. Not long after my call, someone walked from the service center to the fuel area to put diesel in my fuel filter and get me going. I drove a few feet, filled up and headed on my way. . . Ish! While I was waiting on the phone, I was panicking. The patrons in the store, were like, “you sound like you’re in a rush! You’re not going anywhere!” I thought they were being funny. Of course I’m not going anywhere; I’ve no fuel in my truck. Duh! Then I realized, they weren’t kidding. The roads had been closed for almost 2 days due to snow and ice. Oh sht! It was the universe’s way of stopping me from being stranded in the middle of nowhere. At least now, I was in a place with wifi etc. Kinda! There was zero parking, As I’d mentioned earlier. I still had to leave the premises. I ended up down the road, on a made up shoulder off the freeway, by my lonesomeness.
Luckily, I had cooked food and spare and I could walk to the truck stop for their services. It always works out in the end. And if it doesn’t, it’s not the end yet.
I wasn’t stuck for long. I kept checking online for openings etc. “but Brook! You said you didn’t have cell service in Wyoming?” I know, dear brethren! Every now and again, I’d get one more bar. I swear to heavens, the wind was blowing signal my way. I don’t know how else to explain that sht. Before I knew it, there were a bunch of trucks coming the opposite way. The roads were opened. I got on the i80 Freeway, and caught up with life.
One time, I was driving via Montana state. Just before I entered Montana my logs got weird. The computer showed that I had been driving longer than I was and that I needed to take a 10 hour break. What the ef? I’d just started with my day! Anywho! I called my manager, nothing he could do to help. What a surprise! I had to pull over and take the break lest I got pulled over at the truck scale and ended up in trouble. I tried to think positively. Take the rest and get up super early the following day. I started early the following morning. It’s my first time driving in Montana, there are mountains everywhere (hence the name?), it’s pitch dark out, snow and black ice, it was a literal nightmare! Snow was accumulating on my windshield. The wipers were getting frozen in place. Speed limit was like 25 miles ph (40kmh). Snow ploughing vehicles every now and then. Thank goodness for them! The whole experience felt like a weird dream! I’d no cell service. I’m not someone who likes the dark. I need sunlight. For my overall mood, wellbeing, whatever, I need the brightness of day.
Eventually, the sun came out. The snow was melting. It seemed like the darkness never occurred. Joy really does come in the morning!
The more time I spent by myself on the road, the more time by myself I needed. I started cutting people out that not only didn’t add value into my life but who took away some of my positivity. You know those people who, after talking to them, you’re like, wtf?!? Yeah, them! People who try to be me and then turn around and try to out-me me. Err, no mam, Pam! I was me first! I’m the original me! Wtf. I ended up with good ole Derrick. My boo thang!
I saw Derrick a couple of times while on the road my first six months or so. Then, we missed each other, schedule wise. He went to Colorado to be with his family. I was in Oregon/ Idaho. I remember calling him while I was there to check up on the fam situation. He was whispering. I’m like, can you talk? He said yeah. Then why are you whispering? He’s like, why do you think? I’m here to tell you, I still don’t know know the answer to that! I was left wondering if this is another case where he acts like I don’t exist in his life. Where I’m being hidden. Mhh!
As time went on, I had to take stock of that relationship. We were talking less and less on the phone. I wondered if we would’ve still been talking if I didn’t reach out. I slowly started to not initiate conversation. Derrick and I weren’t supposed to be husband and wife. It was something to do for me and I have a feeling the same applied to him. We just didn’t discuss that. I had to think to myself, what happens when I’m done? How would I break things off? I’d never want to be the cause of someone else’s pain. I had to really think about all this. Who knows? Maybe he was thinking the same thing as well. I blinked and it had been a week since we had spoken. I thought to myself: is this it? Do We just keep not talking forever and ever?
I would think about Derrick and be relieved that things ended the way they did. Then I’d miss talking to him and be sad that we didn’t end up as friends. Then I’d be angry that he didn’t at least end things, then I’d wonder if I ended things or did he?
Do I need closure? Closure is a facade!
I was in Montana one day. I needed to take a break. When I saw that there was a Walmart nearby, I started y way there. I soon lost cell signal and my truck GPS froze. Who am I gonna call? I was at a t-junction when I reached literal crossroads. I’d no idea whether to go left or right. As someone who is direction challenge, I almost always pick the wrong side. Of course, I don’t know that at the time until it’s too late. I picked the wrong direction and ended up in a ditch…
And @BabalwaBrook on all social media
Shout out to those of you who have stayed in touch. I see you!
My first year of trucking was not easy! I had my truck to myself - that was a positive. I had long distance trips which I could schedule however I wanted as ling as I made the appointment. Some places want you there not a moment too soon, such as Walmart. They might give you a door an hour early, but that's it. What I would do is, I would try to be more than 24 hours early. Then I would look up the nearest company terminal to the customer and call my manager. I would ask my manager if I could drop my load at the yard and call it a day for that load. Why? Because, I would be free to take the next load, and do it all over again. If they didn't have a load for me after taking mine off me, they would have to pay me for sitting for 24 hours. But if I was sitting with that gosh darn load, I wouldn't get paid extra. See what I'm saying? Those of you who found this blog as part of your research before getting into trucking, find out about T-calling your loads. That's what this is called.
I enjoyed meeting fellow truckers and having long conversations about all kinds of things while doing laundry in the company yards. I only did my laundry in company terminals. It was my way of doing errands at home. The company has terminals all across the country, so that helped. Sometimes we would introduce ourselves, sometimes not. Just talk and call it a day, everybody into their little trucks / aka apartments, and do it all over again next week I have lists on my phone; lists of truck stops that are close to grocery stores, especially Walmarts. Walmarts that have truck parking, Mom and pops truck stops that have groceries and or Wi-Fi.
When I came back from training with Carlos, I had to start packing my sht at home. I had made up my mind while on the road with him that I was going to give up my apartment and live full time in my truck. The company yard is closer to my boyfriend's place than my LA apartment, so I was going to be able to see Derrick one way or another. He could come check out my #TruckerLife or I could go over to his place or whatever. His presence in my life wasn't going to be the deciding factor of whether or not Iw as going to pay rent for an apartment I wasn't using. He was already one of the motivating factors of why I went into trucking. I didn't tell my boo, Derrick that I was putting in a notice though. I didn't feel like being judged or lectured. My mind was made up, regardless. In fact, I didn't tell anybody.
I packed most of my stuff but kept things like beds still in their own place because I was planning on taking a few days off once my lease was officially up, rest in the apartment one last time and then make the move. I found myself a mailbox. I searched and searched for one close to a freeway, one that I'd be able to pop into while driving a truck, and be able to pick up my mail. It had to be one whose lobby stays open 24/7, so I can always have access to my box. No pun intended. I found one in Ontario, the address I keep linking to on my blogs and youtube channel. This one stayed open 7 days a week but not 24/7. I searched for storage where I was going to store all my stuff. I did donate my furniture. The charity places didn't want clothes. I did a few trips from my place to storage. It's one of those things that look like they can be done in no time at all but end up taking so long! The afternoon of my move, which happened to be Derricks birthday but I mistook his date for a different date because of how we write dates in South Africa and how they do them in The States. Oopsie! I am famous for not forgetting birthdays and this is the one I f*cked up. Imagine that! And I was moving, maybe if I were at home, chilling, it would've occurred to me. If we had those kinds of relationships where I could tell him I was moving out of my apartment, and he would bring his truck and help me move, maybe it would have come up (no pun intended haha).
In the process of moving all by myself, I decided to call a stranger. Someone I hadn't seen since my great escape.
Press Play!
Calvin! Yes, him! Our beloved WASband! There were items of mine I knew he liked from when we lived together, so I gave him first dibs. He dropped what he was doing and was there in no time, flat. This was going to be my first time seeing this person since moving out and there I was moving out again. Was I looking forward to the meeting? No but I wanted to let him have the things and I didn't think he was going to kill me that day. If he wanted to, that would have been the perfect day cos nobody knew he was coming, or that I was moving. Spoiler alert! He didn't kill me!
How was the meeting? I had talked to him since moving out so it wasn't like this person came out of nowhere. To answer your question. I don't know. He got emotional, and ran towards me for a hug. I smiled, it wasn't bad. He also helped me load my stuff into my car. Not long after ex hubs arrived, did charity truck arrive as well. They took what was theirs and left. They were quick. I vacuumed and left. Calvin postponed his appointment with his customer to help me finalize everything. He took some of the stuff that didn't fit into my car and put in his car to bring to me at the storage at a later stage. That was nice.
Back to my lists, I also have a list of truck stops that have post USPS (US post) drop boxes. I learned that this was necessary when I wanted to mail my notice to apartment management. The letter was stamped and good to go but I had to figure out how to find a mail drop box. Later on, I noticed that some truck stops have FedEx, UPS and USPS boxed. When you live your life entirely on the road, these are not the little things. They're a big deal. They make your life convenient.
Day before what I thought would be Derrick's Birthday, I brought it up. He was like "when is my birthday?" My heart sank! I immediately knew what I did with the date! I missed my boo boo's birthday, wtf? To top it off, I was with my ex that day, haha! Oh well! He wasn't an ass about it. We did talk on his birthday, we talked everyday, it's just that I didn't make it special. That made me feel not good considering how special he had made my birthday.
My plan, being on the road, was that when I happened to have a load in Southern California, I would arrange to see Derrick. I would also arrange a formal hang out time on my off days, etc. Well, it so happened that whenever I was in town, he would either be out of town with his boys, like that one time! Or he would be at his parents, out of state. I wouldn't tell him I was coming, I would first find out where he would be and then say it. When I came back after his birthday, I made sure to take him to a place he liked. We went to an expensive Sushi place. Luckily for his ass, he deserved it! The food was so good! It was a fun, relaxed night out, then back to his place, then to the truck the following day or two.
My fridge was big enough to fit food for two weeks. I would buy food to cook for the week ahead and store food for the following week, and stock up the following week etc. Meaning, I always had back up, just in case someone would try to catch me with my pants down. It wouldn't happen. My diet at the time was just meat. And Eggs. Once in a while, I would go completely vegetarian. I guess my body would be craving veggies. Other than that, just meat, no fruit, no vege.
My evenings came early because I started my days early. I wanted to make sure I always found parking at the end of the day. I didn't want to be trying to squeeze into the last parking spot either. I would then, use wet wipes to freshen up, I always took off my shoes in the driving area and had mats in my sleeping area. I would watch some tv shows while eating dinner. I had fridge and microwave, so warm meals. I would then finish the tv shows in bed. I talked to Derrick on Facetime every night as well. Sometimes for hours, depending on everyone's schedule.
I get up 2 hours before work, do a little meditation, do my gratitude journal, sometimes I do this at night, as I'm going to update it now after this blog; drink 2 liters of warm liquids, could be herbal tea and or apple cider vinegar, shower and then get on the road. By the time I drive, I will be feeling nice and relaxed. There's nothing worse than rushing cos you didn't want to get out of bed early. And there's nothing worse than being late due to your own fault. I love the feeling of not being bothered when someone cuts in front of me, of of even letting a bunch of people in because I'm in no rush. OF course, I don't let them all in at once, cos you've got to consider other road users.
I would love to hang out and do another blog but I've been up since 1:30 and I've got to get up at 3 tomorrow. let me unwind and go to bed. Thanks for stopping by!
I showed up for my exam. First, they put you through a written test just
like DMV (traffic department). I passed, missing one or two only. Then I went
out with the the intimidating driving guy to do backing and maybe the road…. On
condition I pass the backing part.
Here we go again, dear goodness!
I took a couple of Jolly Ranchers candy and headed out. This time, I was going
to be tested on an automatic, versus the stick shift from
last time! I think this is better but a lot of drivers say backing in a manual
transmission truck is better Oh well!
I got in the Freightliner truck; I’d no idea where what was. i learned in a
Stick Volvo Truck and went on the road in a Kenworth for a month! I had to
adjust the mirrors and seats etc. Forget all those, I didn’t even know how to
turn on the engine! The scary looking guy had to show me! The Kenworth gear
lever is on the right side of driver, on the floor. The Freightliner’s is by
the steering wheel. Mh kay! This should be interesting! Whenever I step onto
the gas pedal, Scary tells me to take it easy! It was all too much
luckily, I made it.
Back into the yard. Cue the PTSD from trucking school! I had to back into a
slot between two trailers. Great! I set up good. I’d a good feeling about it.
I’m pretty sure I set up how Carlos yelled at me not to set up,
in week 3! I backed that thing once and got it all the way in. I pulled forward just a
little bit to make 100% sure it was within lines. I fcking passed! Whew! Thank
you, stars!
Someone give me my fcking truck!
They congratulated me, told me to go downstairs to meet my new Driver Manager.
I did. He told me my truck was waiting for me outside. I went out there and
searched and looked and…
Solo Driver Brook
It was beautiful! I tried to
this truck while I was out with my trainer, Carlos. I didn’t know what Color I
wanted it to be but I know I didn’t want it to be blue. The ones we trained
with that I sucked in, were blue. Nobody needs that kind of PTSD (post
traumatic stress disorder)! I kept seeing it white in my visions. I would try
and push that image aside and have it be grey or something cool but nah!
The truck was locked with the curtains to the sleeper shut. I tried peeking in
to see if It had a fridge inside. I was so caught up in that, you can’t even
imagine! I knew I was going to cook in the truck. It was important that I have
all the tools of the trade! I didn’t feel like having to buy a truck fridge! I
jumped up and held onto the side mirror, peeked inside and what did I see? A
giant ass refrigerator. It was gonna be a good day on the road for this
I went back to the Driver manager, by the way, about him: I had talked to him
before, asking about something or another. He introduced himself and gave me
his card, this was before we knew he was going to be my manager. After he
shook my hand, I shook my head to myself and said, pls don’t let him be my
manager. I just didn’t wanna think it was a match. Lo and be fcking hold! He
was to be my manager! When I went back for the truck key, I was told that I
needed to go to some class with the yard jockey (the guy whose job is to move
trailers around all day long). I was ready for my first load, now these mutha
truckers are telling me to go attend some class. Class for what? I literally
just passed my final test, man I please just do what I was told was next in
line? Ughhhhhhhh! I asked driver manager what the class was about. He told me
he had no idea but was just told so himself. Great!
I go find the yard dog (another name for yard jockeys). He was with a fee
other truckers. They asked if I was there for the “close quarters” blah blah
blah class as well. The close what? Apparently, because of the accident I told
you about
here; I had to be taught how to get out of tight spaces in reverse. OK, Fine! But
I hit the pillar face forward! I wasn’t backing out o’ nuthn! (Which, I’m
sure, sounds even worse). You congratulate me for passing everything,
including backing and then tell me I don’t know how to back because I had a
situation NOT backing. Fckkkkkkkk! Let my people go! The yard guy (another
name for a yard dog haha, just kidding), put a truck in different
scenarios and made us back out of them. He first taught us HIS WAY of setting
up. Now, I have to forget everything I learned while out there strictly to
learn and memorize what this guy is teaching me last minute after my
graduation. What kinda mind fck is this? When I tell you, I was devastated!
Angry! I was more angry than anything else! I asked
my group
of truckers; my classmates and I have a chat group on our phones, if they knew
about that class. They told me it was a new thing. I was lucky enough to be in
the first group. Nice!
At the end of the day, some of us were let to go n their merry way. I was in
the group that was NOT, because you know, I wasn’t good at backing, obviously.
The guy was telling me I needed to trust myself. Well, I did when I passed my
exam the first time but there’s something about being told, actually, we’re
kidding, you’re not good enough to go on the road yet, that makes you feel
like, well, YOU’re not good enough! OK? It’s in the afternoon, I had a load to
try and find keys to this gosh darn truck they assigned me to that was locked.
And I had a load to deliver. I’m not good enough to be set free and be the
trucker I fcking wanna be but I was good enough to be used to deliver a loard
down the road in a locked truck without a key mh kay! I see yall! I gave
the guys in the shop, they cut me a key, I made my way to the truck. At this
point, I was rushing. And I hadn’t even met the truck’s inside yet. I was
flustered and overwhelmed. And I kinda wanted to quit. I am not sure who put
me on a load when I was clearly still in school. The whole thing was fcked. I
got into the truck, drove around the yard, looking for the loaded trailer I
was supposed to deliver. I didn’t know then that I could just request (read:
demand) to be removed from a load. I arrived at this place, that I, Spoiler
alert: have never been back to since. It looks like it was gonna be a breeze
to back into. It took me forever. It was dark outside, I was having a day from
hell and I had just been told over and over again, I didn’t know how to back,
so I didn’t know how to! They unloaded me, I headed back to the yard. It was
around 1am at this point. Did I mention I was having a day from hell?
I get back to the yard, park, go to the back of the truck to sleep, no
mattress! Normally, you get two, one for each bunk. It’s a double bunk in
there. I had none. The shop was closed. I wasn’t about to drive from the
Inland Empire to Pasadena (my apartment) that hour of the night after the kind of day I had (hint: it was straight
from hell). I went to dispatch office and requested a hotel room. They
normally give you one when you need it. Not me! They told me I live close
enough to drive. Kay! I held the tear drops with everything I had and texted
one of my classmates about the kind of day (from hell haha) I was having. He
told me He was in the terminal as well and I could borrow his bunk mattress.
Wow! A turn around! Am I dreaming? Spoiler alert: I wasn’t cos I wasn’t in bed
yet, like a normal person should be at 2am. Mind you! I had class at 8am!
Welcome to
my trucking nightmare, folks!
Click above to see the inside of my new truck, filmed just as I walked in for
the first time!
I just posted a bunch of photos and videos and links and and and and all that stuff disappeared because cellphone blogging thanks Apple!
Let’s see if I’ll remember everything I typed here cos when you update, you get info you’ve been keeping in your memory out, to make room for more memory stuff. At least, That’s what I do! Here goes nothing…
The truck looked good. I was excited to make it home…
In our pretrip inspection, we have to open up the hood (bonnet) and see if everything looks normal. We also have to kick all 18 wheels to check abnormalities.
What’s up!
I’m smiling, partly because I had spent some tome with my boo thang, Derrick. It’s always a good time over there. He cooks, we bum on the couch and watch lots of tv and he’s hilarious. I’m thankful for all the reasons I have to smile.
Passenger’s seat
Is that a long cellphone charger cable or am I happy to see you? I like to have chargers plugged in all over the place. I’m all about convenience. Speaking of which, they have electric outlets situated conveniently in the sleeper berth. They also have several car charging ports in the driving area. We do appreciate all that. I tell ya, if they had bathrooms in these trucks, I might really love this lifestyle!
My favorite part: memory foam bed
The blanket is from The now defunct, Queen Latifah talk show. I told you about the amazing Christmas episode I was there for, where I got so much good sht! Read all about that here. Sidebar: I placed a book on my bed for staging purposed only. When last did I read a book? Actually, not that long ago. I just hadn’t really been reading at the time this photo was taken.
Kitchen area
I told you my fridge was huge! It’s a double freaking door for a small ass truck space! I hit the jackpot with this one!
I brought my microwave from home, which went well with my Silver fridge. I also brought the InsaPot to cook in, as you can see up top. If you follow me on YouTube and Instagram, you’ve seen my instapot cooking videos. If you don't, Please do.
Driver’s seat
Hindsight: having driven several trucks since the beginning, I can safely say, this Freightliner was one of my favorite
Below is what I ate while out with my trainer Carlos in his truck that didn’t have a fridge
Press play
I went through quite the roller coaster writing this particular blog. I did it over a couple of days, reliving some moments wasn’t fun, some were cool and then deleting material and having to redo was frustrating. If you enjoyed it, please post a comment below, it’ll make it worth the trouble.